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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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University of Burlington, Any Thoughts?

I'm considering applying to the University of Burlington. Wondering if anyone can shed some light on the overall student experience there? What do you guys think about the academics, campus life, etc?

3 months ago

The University of Burlington is well-respected for its academics, particularly in the fields of Environmental Sciences and Nursing. The professors are generally quite knowledgeable and are interested in student success. The student-to-faculty ratio is also relatively low, which typically results in smaller class sizes and more personalized attention.

As far as campus life goes, Burlington is known to be a vibrant city with a lot of outdoor activities. It's located near Lake Champlain, so students enjoy things like kayaking and hiking. The music scene is also buzzing and there are many fun local food spots and coffee shops. The town itself provides a good balance to campus life.

One thing you might consider is the colder weather due to its location in Vermont. The winters are significant and long, which could be a plus if you enjoy winter sports like skiing and snowboarding. But if you're not a fan of cold weather, it'll be something to consider.

Just one piece of advice though, make sure you visit the campus before making your decision if you haven't already done so. The university offers virtual tours as well, which can be beneficial if traveling isn't feasible.

3 months ago

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