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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the skinny on University of St. Edwards?

I've been hearing about University of St. Edwards from a couple of friends recently but I can't seem to find much info online. Any current students or alumni able to share some experience or insights about life, academics, or the vibe there?

3 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to share some information about St. Edward's University! It's a private, Roman Catholic university located in Austin, Texas. The university has a commitment to nurturing a worldview that looks at issues from multiple perspectives, which is reflected in the curriculum. In other words, they really focus on personal growth and developing critical thinkers who can contribute to the global community.

In terms of academics, they offer a range of bachelor's degree programs, including popular majors such as Business Administration and Management, Psychology, and Communication and Media Studies. There's also a strong emphasis on experiential learning, meaning that you'll have plenty of opportunities for internships, study abroad programs, and service projects that can enrich your academic experience.

Student life on campus is quite active, with a variety of student organizations, clubs, and recreational activities that cater to all sorts of interests. Whether you're into athletics, the arts, social justice, or practically any other field, you're likely to find a group of like-minded folks to join.

Because it's located in Austin, many students love the active music, food, and cultural scene the city offers. Plus, you've got a wealth of industries right at your doorstep if you're looking to gain work experience or start networking in your chosen field.

The overall campus vibe is often described as friendly and community-focused, with a significant number of students living on campus. That being said, everyone's experience is unique, and it would be best to visit the campus or speak with current students or alumni to get a feel for what life at St. Edward's is really like.

Keep in mind as you explore your college options that the "fit" is crucial. Make sure to account for factors like location, size, course offerings, and campus culture. I hope this gives you a good starting point for your research into St. Edward's University.

3 months ago

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