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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Anyone know the scoop on University Of Texas Permian Basin in Odessa, TX?

Junior here, I'm looking at the University Of Texas Permian Basin in Odessa and want to get some insight. What's the academic and social scene like? Are students generally happy there?

3 months ago

The University of Texas Permian Basin (UTPB) is known for providing a quality education and a friendly atmosphere. The classes are typically small, so students can get to know their professors well and get individualized attention. As a smaller school, UTPB is able to create a close-knit and welcoming environment. UTPB's academics are well-regarded, especially their programs in the STEM fields, business, and education.

UTPB has a lot of traditional university experiences - on-campus housing, student organizations, and intercollegiate sports. However, being a commuter heavy school (due to many students are from the surrounding area), the campus can be quiet during the weekends.

The social scene, from what I've heard, is what you make of it. The campus hosts various events, and there's Greek life and numerous clubs/organizations students can join to meet others with similar interests. However, don't expect the same level of social activity you might find at larger schools. Note that Odessa offers limited big-city entertainment options, but there are local festivals, movie theaters, and a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities.

As for student happiness, it can vary as it depends on personal experience. From what I've heard, many students appreciate the smaller class sizes, available academic resources, and the sense of community. However, do keep in mind that what works for one person might not work for everyone.

Visiting campus (if possible) could help you obtain a better sense of whether UTPB would be a good fit for you. Reaching out to current students or alumni through online forums, social media, or UTPB-hosted events can also provide valuable insights.

3 months ago

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