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SAT: 720 math
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What kind of majors are popular at the University of the South?

Hi folks, I'm a rising junior beginning my college search. The University of the South caught my eye, but I'm having trouble figuring out what they're known for. What are the popular majors there?

3 months ago

The University of the South, also known as Sewanee, offers a variety of majors and is popular for its strong programs in the humanities and social sciences. Some of the well-liked majors amongst students are Economics, English, History, and Psychology. The school is known for its emphasis on liberal arts education and combines this with strong pre-professional studies.

Additionally, the school's Environmental Studies program is highly valued. Its location on a 13,000-acre campus in the Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee creates a unique educational environment for study and research in this field.

Finally, Sewanee has strong performing arts programs, with Theatre and Music having prominent spots amongst the popular majors. The school is home to the acclaimed Sewanee Summer Music Festival, which attracts students from across the country.

Just keep in mind while deciding your major that it shouldn't solely be based on the popularity of a major, but rather what you are truly passionate about and how it aligns with your future career objectives.

3 months ago

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