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Question about University in Waltham

I've read that there are a couple of universities in Waltham but I'm not sure which one to look into. Can anyone provide an overview? I'm definitely interested in knowing more about the vibe, academics, and the opportunities available for students.

3 months ago

In Waltham, Massachusetts, two well-regarded universities stand out. These are Brandeis University and Bentley University, both esteemed in their fields and offering distinctive campus cultures and academic programs.

Brandeis University is a private research university that holds a reputation in the liberal arts and sciences. Its academic programs span a broad range of subjects, but it's particularly known for its strong offerings in fields like politics, economics, and biology. The vibe on campus is intellectual and open-minded with a strong sense of social justice, reflected by the university's namesake — Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis, who was a staunch advocate for individual liberties. As for opportunities, Brandeis provides a plethora of research initiatives, internships, and study abroad programs. The university is also a member of the Boston Consortium, allowing students to cross-register at other universities in the area.

On the other hand, Bentley University is more focused on business, finance, and accounting, with a curriculum that blends the study of business with the liberal arts. It's equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including a trading room where students can engage in real-world financial market scenarios. With a strong emphasis on practical learning, Bentley students often engage in internships at leading companies in the region, providing a platform to test classroom knowledge in the business world, and possibly lead to future employment opportunities. The campus vibe is professional and career-oriented, yet balanced with a vibrant social scene and a range of clubs and organizations.

Finally, the surrounding city of Waltham offers a balance of suburban quietness and access to a bustling downtown with restaurants and shops. Moreover, it is about a 30-minute drive from downtown Boston, giving students access to the cultural and economic opportunities found in a major city.

Each school has its strengths and offerings, and your choice would depend on your interests, academic goals, and the type of university environment you thrive in. It would be a good idea to explore both universities and consider arranging visits to get a feel for the campuses and the opportunities they offer.

3 months ago

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