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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Inquiring about University of South Florida

Hi everyone, the University of South Florida is on my radar for potential colleges. For anyone who's attended or knows more details, how would you describe the academic rigor, student community, and opportunities for internships and jobs? Thanks for any help!

3 months ago

The University of South Florida is a well-regarded, public research university located in Tampa. It's known for its strong programs in business, education, engineering, and the health professions.

Academically, students often describe the environment as challenging, but not overwhelming. Like many large public universities, the level of academic rigor can vary greatly depending on your major and specific course selections. Their Honors College specifically is known to hold a high standard with small class sizes and unique course offerings. That being said, many students find the workload manageable with good time management skills, and there's a multitude of academic resources available such as tutoring centers and library services.

The student community at USF is diverse and vibrant. With over 40,000 undergraduates, there's no shortage of clubs, organizations, and events to get involved in. The university prides itself on having a highly spirited and involved student body with plenty of school sponsored events. Also, given that Tampa is a major metro area, you'll have access to a lot of external opportunities, like cultural events or concerts.

Regarding internships and job opportunities, USF's location in Tampa affords students access to a wide array of companies in different industries. While competition for these positions can be high, USF does an excellent job of providing resources to students to increase their competitiveness. They have a dedicated Career Services division that hosts regular career fairs (both general and industry-specific), offers resume and interview coaching, and provides a job and internship board that's accessible only to USF students and alumni. Many students obtain internships during their time at USF, and these internships often translate to job opportunities post-graduation.

It would be beneficial to visit the campus virtually or in person and possibly talk with advisors in your potential field of study to get a more personalized picture of what a USF academic experience might look like for you.

3 months ago

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