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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Details about University of Vermont

The University of Vermont keeps popping up in my research and I'm curious about it. For anyone familiar with UofV, can you share a bit about their programs, campus life, and your overall experience? This will greatly help in my college decision journey. Thanks!

3 months ago

Certainly, the University of Vermont (UVM) is a comprehensive university known for its commitment to research and its scenic location in Burlington, which offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities.

In terms of programs, UVM offers undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees across seven schools and colleges. It's especially known for its programs in Business Administration, Environmental Studies, Psychology, and Nursing, but you can find a robust selection beyond these as well. UVM has a strong commitment to research, with plenty of opportunities for undergraduates to engage in hands-on learning experiences.

As for campus life, UVM has a medium-sized student body with around 13,000 students. This size fosters a community feel while still offering ample opportunities for meeting new people and exploring various interests. The university boasts more than 200 student clubs and organizations, covering a wide range of interests from academic and professional clubs to cultural and recreational activities.

The community prides itself on being active and environmentally conscious. The school also offers a variety of outdoor activities, such as hiking, skiing, and biking, thanks to its near proximity to the Green Mountains and Lake Champlain. Burlington is also a vibrant small city, known for its remarkable food scene, local music, farmers' markets, and arts festivals.

Academically, students note that classes are challenging but manageably so. Professors are often highlighted as dedicated, approachable, and passionate about their subjects. Many students also appreciate the university's dedication to sustainability; in fact, UVM is considered a green school due to its commitment to reducing its carbon footprint.

Lastly, it's worth mentioning that UVM offers several forms of financial aid and different types of scholarships are available for eligible students.

Remember to take virtual tours, connect with current students, and ask any specific questions you may have to help make an informed decision. Wishing you the best in your college search journey!

3 months ago

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