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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What Are the Available Majors at Ursinus?

So guys, I might apply to Ursinus College and couldn't find a comprehensive list of their majors online. I’m especially interested in STEM subjects. Does anyone know?

3 months ago

Ursinus College, a liberal arts college in Pennsylvania, has a variety of majors and programs to suit a wide range of interests, including several in the STEM fields. I'll list below some of the STEM-related majors that you might find interesting:

1. Biology: This program provides students with a thorough understanding of the principles of biology through immersive teaching and learning.

2. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology: This is an interdisciplinary major that introduces students to the interface between biology and chemistry.

3. Chemistry: Students gain a strong foundation in modern chemistry and also develop experimental skills.

4. Computer Science: Not only does this major provide a strong academic base, but it also exposes students to immersive teaching and cutting-edge research.

5. Environmental Studies: An interdisciplinary program that prepares students to address complex environmental problems by combining elements from the natural and social sciences.

6. Mathematics: The curriculum is designed to strengthen students' analytical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities.

7. Neuroscience: This is an interdisciplinary program exploring the structure and function of the nervous system.

8. Physics & Astronomy: It provides the students a comprehensive understanding of fundamental principles and equips them with the technical expertise necessary for successful careers in these fields.

It's worth noting that Ursinus College also offers students the ability to propose a self-designed major, allowing the flexibility to pursue particularly specialized or interdisciplinary interests. Remember, each major can further be customized with electives, concentrations, or specific tracks. For the most detailed and up-to-date information, I recommend reaching out to the Ursinus College admissions office or checking their official website.

3 months ago

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