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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is it still a thing where colleges need your ACT scores?

Hey everyone, I'm starting to look at colleges and I'm a bit confused. Do most colleges still require you to submit ACT scores, or has the trend moved away from standardized testing? Especially with all the talk about test-optional policies these days. Thanks!

11 months ago

Hi there! Many colleges are now test-optional, which means submitting ACT scores is not mandatory. However, some schools still require them, including renowned institutions like MIT and Georgia Tech, as well as some flagship state schools in the South, like the University of Georgia.

Moreover, even if a college is test-optional, it's still worth taking the ACT seriously, as a strong score can bolster your academic profile. That's especially the case if your GPA maybe isn't quite what you'd like, or if your GPA is stellar but you're applying to highly competitive schools—when you're looking at acceptance rates well under 10%, you want as many gold stars on your application as possible.

I'd recommend checking the specific admissions requirements for each college on your list early, to see if the ACT is needed, and planning out your studying/testing schedule accordingly. Good luck with your college search!

11 months ago

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