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What degrees are offered at Baruch College?

I heard that Baruch College offers a range of great programs. Can anyone share more about the majors and degrees that it offers? I'm particularly interested in Business and Information Systems. Also, what's the student life like there? Any input would be greatly appreciated!

3 months ago

Baruch College, part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system, is particularly renowned for its strong business-related programs. The Zicklin School of Business, housed within Baruch College, provides an array of degrees in business disciplines.

If you're interested in Business and Information Systems, you'll be glad to know that Zicklin offers a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with a major in Computer Information Systems (CIS). The CIS curriculum covers areas such as data analytics, IT project management, and information systems and business processes, among others.

Aside from business, the college offers degrees across three schools: the aforementioned Zicklin School of Business, the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences, and the Marxe School of Public and International Affairs. Across these schools, you'll find degrees in a variety of fields, from English and History to Political Science and Public Affairs.

In terms of campus life, Baruch College is a mostly commuter school, so the typical residential campus experience isn't as pronounced. However, the school offers many extra-curricular activities and over 130 clubs, catering to a wide range of interests. There are cultural clubs, academic societies, sports teams, and service organizations. A notable feature of the college is the Baruch Bearcats, its athletics teams that compete in the NCAA Division III.

Remember, the best way to understand student life at a college is by connecting with current students or recent alumni who can give you a first-hand account of experiences there. Hope this helps!

3 months ago

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