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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the student population like at Michigan State University?

Hey there, I'm starting to get serious about my college search and Michigan State has caught my eye. I would love to hear about the number of students attending MSU. Is it jam-packed, or are class sizes manageable? A friend suggested it to me but I would appreciate if anyone could shed some more light on this.

3 months ago

Michigan State University is known to have a large student body. As of Fall 2023, MSU had a total enrollment of around 51,000 students, with approximately 38,500 being undergraduate students. This sizeable population results in a vibrant, diverse campus that offers a lot of opportunities for engagement and student life.

That being said, the class size can vary significantly based on the specific course and the year you are in. General education classes and introductory courses usually tend to have larger class sizes, sometimes with hundreds of students. However, as you progress to your major-specific classes and seminars, you'll likely see considerably smaller class sizes that foster in-depth discussions and hands-on learning experiences.

Despite the large overall student population, MSU maintains a student-to-faculty ratio of around 16:1, which indicates that the professors are accessible to students and are usually available for office hours, research opportunities, and general guidance.

It's important to remember that attending a large university doesn't necessarily mean your experience will be impersonal or overwhelming. Many students find that they quickly adjust to the size and enjoy the extensive resources, varied interests, and host of opportunities that large institutions like MSU can offer.

3 months ago

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