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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How accommodating are colleges for students with learning disabilities?

Hey everyone! I have ADHD and I'm finding it tough to balance all my efforts on the college admission process. I've been thinking about how I'll handle college itself. Can anyone shed some light on how colleges treat students with learning disabilities? What kind of accommodations do they offer?

5 months ago

Many colleges are quite accommodating for students with learning disabilities! In fact, they are legally required to provide reasonable accommodations to students who need them.

Disability resources vary by school, but most colleges have an Office of Disability Services (ODS) or something along those lines. This office acts as a resource and advocate for students with disabilities. They may help with note-taking support, extra time on exams, quiet testing areas, priority registration, academic coaching, and assistive technology, among other services. They're there to ensure you have equal access to your education and campus life.

However, unlike in high school, you have to seek out these accommodations - they're not automatically provided. This means that, once you've decided on a college, you'll contact the ODS and provide documentation of your disability. They generally want current documentation, so you might need a recent assessment, though policies differ depending on the institution.

Keep in mind, college is very different from high school. It's often a transition from a structured environment to a more independent lifestyle. This means students are often responsible for managing their own accommodations and accessing resources. This independence can be challenging but also quite empowering over time.

While researching colleges, you could check out each college's disability services website or reach out to them via email to get an idea of what they provide specifically. They should give you a clear understanding of how they can assist you in your learning journey.

Remember, just because you have a learning disability doesn't mean you can't excel in college. Many successful students and professionals have navigated these challenges, often with the support of their school's resources.

5 months ago

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