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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's it like to be a college walk on?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior and I play soccer in my high school team. I'm not necessarily a star, but I'm decent and I love the sport. I've been thinking about trying out as a walk-on once I get to college. Anyone here have experiences as a college walk-on athlete? What's it like? What should I be prepared for?

5 months ago

Being a walk-on athlete can indeed be challenging but also highly rewarding. Here's a brief overview of what you might experience:

Firstly, know that as a walk-on, you might not get as much playing time as those who received sports scholarships or were recruited. Coaches tend to rely first on their already-vetted, scholarship athletes for game time. So, it'll be your responsibility to prove your worthiness on the field by displaying consistent commitment, discipline, and positivity — all during practices and team events.

You should prepare for a rigorous regimen. Sports at the college level are a significant step up in terms of intensity and time commitment from high school sports. Balancing academics, athletics, and social life could be a tough act, so good time management skills will be critically important.

It's also worth noting that you may have to work harder than others to prove yourself. Walk-ons are often underestimated initially, so you'll need resilience and a thick skin to thrive in this situation. But over time, if you prove your worth, you can gain the respect and recognition of your peers and coaches alike.

Lastly, remember that being part of a college sports team is, above all, an excellent way to foster camaraderie. Going through grueling practices, managing hard losses, and celebrating victories together can create bonds that last a lifetime.

In conclusion, being a walk-on will undoubtedly require perseverance, but can also provide profound personal growth and lasting friendships. Good luck on your journey!

5 months ago

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