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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the scoop on Texas A&M San Antonio Admissions?

Hey all, I've been considering Texas A&M San Antonio for a while now and wondered what their admissions process is like? Any tips on how to boost my chances? And if you're a current student or alumni, what's been your overall experience there?

3 months ago

Hello! Texas A&M San Antonio operates on a rolling admissions basis, which means they review applications as they come in and continue to admit students until the freshman class is full.

Admission into Texas A&M San Antonio is based largely on your high school academic performance and standardized test scores. They're looking at your high school grades, the rigor of your coursework (have you taken honors, AP, or IB classes?), and your SAT or ACT scores. Regarding the standardized tests, given the changes in testing policies related to Covid-19, it's always good to check the current requirements directly from the school's admissions' website.

When applying, make sure your application clearly conveys your ability to succeed in rigorous coursework. Highlight any instances of academic growth or resilience in your high school career, as these can be compelling narratives.

As for ways to boost your chances of admission, engaging in extracurricular activities or taking on a leadership role can help show that you're a well-rounded candidate. Showcasing your commitment to a few activities, rather than spreading yourself thin over many, can demonstrate focus and passion. You might also consider community service if available - colleges usually appreciate students who contribute to their community!

Lastly, pay close attention to your essays. They're your chance to show the admissions committee who you are beyond your grades and test scores, so make sure they're not only well-written, but that they also express your individuality and potential contribution to the campus community.

While I’m not a current student or alumni myself, Texas A&M San Antonio is known for its strong support services for its students and a close-knit community feel. Many students value its dedicated staff and smaller class sizes that facilitate ample faculty-student interaction and personalized learning.

Remember, your college experience will largely be shaped by what you make of it, so if you're proactive about reaching out to professors, engaging with your peers, and getting involved in clubs/activities, you should have a rewarding experience! Best of luck to you.

3 months ago

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