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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Class size at Tufts University?

Hey guys, I've been thinking about applying to Tufts University. I really value having smaller, intimate class settings. Does anyone know what class sizes are generally like at Tufts? Are there more lecture-style classes or do they do more seminar-style settings?

3 months ago

Tufts University does indeed offer a favorable student to faculty ratio. Based on the latest data, the ratio is about 9:1, meaning there are typically around nine students for every faculty member. This can give the classes a more intimate and collaborative feel.

In terms of specific class sizes, more than 70% of their classes contain fewer than 20 students. This aligns with the idea of "seminar-style" classes that facilitate direct interaction between students and professors.

However, the actual class size can vary significantly depending on the subject and the level of the course. For instance, entry level and popular courses may have larger class sizes, potentially adopting a more lecture-style format. But as you progress into your major and in upper-level courses, class sizes typically decrease and adopt more of a seminar or discussion-style setup with fewer students.

So, if smaller, more personal classes are what you're looking for, Tufts could be a good fit. Just bear in mind that there will be some variation depending on the course and level of study.

3 months ago

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