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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What majors does University of Bridgeport offer?

Hey there! I've been looking into a bunch of different colleges lately and University of Bridgeport caught my eye. Can someone provide some info on the range of majors they offer? Like, if they happen to have a strong program in Science fields or Business or Social Sciences? Would really appreciate it!

3 months ago

The University of Bridgeport offers a range of diverse majors across different disciplines, so there's most likely an area of study that will align with your academic interests. Their academic schools include the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Engineering, Business, and Education, and the College of Health Sciences.

If you're interested in the sciences, they do indeed have strong programs. For instance, they offer Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, etc. Each of these programs emphasizes the practical applications of theoretical principles, giving you the opportunity to work on real-world projects and research.

For Business, they have a well-regarded School of Business, offering courses in Accounting, Business Administration, Finance, International Business, and Marketing. This could be a great pick if you're interested in the corporate world or entrepreneurship.

In the realm of Social Sciences, they feature programs like Psychology, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Sociology. These programs often involve engaging discussions and original research opportunities.

Remember, the 'strength' of a program can vary depending on what you hope to get out of it. For example, if you value small class sizes, interaction with faculty, or certain types of coursework, these can all impact whether a program feels like a good fit to you. Therefore, it's crucial to consider these factors, reach out to current students or alumni if possible, and maybe even visit the campus to better understand the university's academic environment.

3 months ago

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