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Is College Really Better Than Trade School? Why?

So, I'm currently a rising junior and all this college stuff is overwhelming. I can't help but wonder, why is college touted as being better than trade school? What even are the pros and cons for each? Is one better in the long run or does it really just come down to what I personally want to do? Any insight would be really helpful right now, thanks!

3 months ago

There's a common misconception that college is always better than trade school when that's not necessarily the case. The truth is that whether one is better than the other really depends on your career goals, learning style, and personal circumstances.

Here are some points to consider when weighing college versus trade school:

1. Time Investment: A bachelor's degree typically takes about four years to complete, whereas trade schools generally offer quicker paths to certification, often in two years or less. So, if you're eager to jumpstart your career, trade school could be a better fit.

2. Tuition: College can be expensive, and while financial aid exists, it doesn't always cover all costs. Trade school programs, on the other hand, are typically less costly and take less time to complete, meaning less money spent on tuition and potentially fewer student loans.

3. Career Focus: If you have a specific vocational skill or trade in mind, like being an electrician or a mechanic, trade school offers a direct path to that career. College, on the other hand, offers more broad-based education where you study a variety of subjects.

4. Job Security: Trade jobs are in high demand and many cannot be outsourced, which may offer more job security. College degrees do open more career opportunities, and on average, jobs requiring a degree do tend to pay more. However, this can vary widely depending on the field.

5. Scope for Advancement: College can provide more opportunities for career advancement, because many high-level positions in various industries require a bachelor’s degree or higher. If you see yourself wanting to move up into management or desire more flexibility in your career, a college degree might be more beneficial.

Remember, the decision to attend a college or a trade school depends heavily on what fits your personal goals, abilities, and interests. It's crucial to research potential careers and educational paths, and possibly speak with people who work in the industries you're considering, before making a decision. Be true to yourself and your aspirations, because both paths can lead to fulfilling and successful careers.

3 months ago

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