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I need Info on Widener University

Could anybody provide me with some info on Widener University? I've been looking for more information about their academic rigor, community, programs provided, internship opportunities, and basically anything else you guys think is important to know about a college. Thanks!

3 months ago

Widener University is a private university located in Chester, Pennsylvania, outside of Philadelphia. It's known for having a diverse student body and offering a wide range of academic programs, including but not limited to, business, nursing, engineering, arts & sciences, and social work.

One notable characteristic of Widener is its emphasis on leadership. The Oskin Leadership Institute, for example, offers students training and resources to develop leadership skills. The university's commitment to fostering a community of leaders not only enhances their educational experience but also prepares them for future job opportunities.

In terms of academics, the university has a low student-to-faculty ratio (11:1) which means students often build close relationships with their professors. The small class size allows the faculty to make their students the priority.

Widener University also provides a great wealth of internship opportunities and experiences for students. Located near Philadelphia, it offers access to opportunities in numerous industries. For example, nursing students often do clinical rotations and internships at local hospitals and healthcare centers, while business students might find internships at various companies in Philadelphia.

Additionally, the university offers study abroad opportunities, service learning projects (combining community service with learning objectives), and undergraduate research programs, which could deepen your breadth of knowledge and experience.

Widener also places a strong emphasis on community service. Its Civic Engagement program allows students to partner with various community organizations, providing them with both personal and professional growth while also contributing to their community.

Lastly, the campus life at Widener is also vibrant and diverse, with many clubs, organizations, and athletic teams for students to participate in. Its Division III sports teams are a source of school spirit, and its Greek life is also quite active.

To fully understand Widener University and whether it's a good fit for you, consider speaking with current students or alumni, and, if possible, visiting the campus yourself. Each individual's college experience is inherently unique, and these activities can provide a far more personalized perspective on the institution.

3 months ago

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