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Kinda set on Worcester Holy Cross

Hey guys! So, I've been seriously considering Worcester Holy Cross for my undergrad. I'm fascinated by their philosophy program. Any tips on what they look for in an applicant? Or any insights into the curriculum would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

Hello! Considering that you are interested in the philosophy program at College of the Holy Cross, it's great to know that their program is known for focusing on the historical and problem-oriented aspects of philosophy. This dedication to fostering philosophical engagement and critical thinking would require your application to demonstrate intellectual curiosity, a strong academic record, and an earnest interest in learning and growth.

One major aspect of the Holy Cross admission process is a commitment to the college's mission, which is to educate students in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to be Catholic (students of all backgrounds are welcome), but showing that you value social justice, intellectual engagement, and spiritual development should help make your application stand out.

As Holy Cross practices a holistic review process, be sure to highlight all aspects of your experiences. Your extracurricular activities and leadership roles can play a crucial role in demonstrating your interests, skills, and qualities. For instance, if you've led a club, volunteered in community service, or participated in debates, be sure to highlight these experiences as they demonstrate your leadership, commitment, and alignment with the mission of Holy Cross.

Within your essays, your passion for philosophy should be clearly articulated. Connect your interest in philosophy to your overall aspirations, explaining how a Philosophy degree from Holy Cross can equip you to achieve your goals.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Holy Cross highly recommends scheduling an interview, although it’s not compulsory. It's an opportunity for you to affirm your interest, ask questions, and provide context to your application, so you might want to consider that.

Finally, about academic strength: Holy Cross, like many selective colleges, will examine your transcript in the context of the rigor of courses you've taken. Take challenging coursework when possible and keep your performance strong.

I hope this gives you a start in understanding what Holy Cross could be looking for! Good luck!

3 months ago

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