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Safest branch of the military?

Okay, so I don't love the idea of constant danger, but I am considering the military after high school. Does anyone know which branch is considered the 'safest'? A little help would be much appreciated!

3 months ago

There's a wide range of roles within each of the six U.S. military branches (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Space Force) and each comes with its own inherent risks. It's important to remember that "safety" can depend on a number of factors such as the specific job or role you take on, deployment location, and the nature of the conflicts involved during your time of service. In other words, safety is largely situational and role-specific, not strictly branch-specific.

That said, the branches often considered as having lower combat risks are the Air Force and Coast Guard. The Air Force traditionally is seen as a safer option as its primary mission isn't ground combat. Roles here often revolve around support, logistics, and tech-based jobs like air traffic control or cyberspace operations.

The Coast Guard, often involved in rescue operations and maritime law enforcement, also often seen as less combat-oriented compared to other branches. Yet, they also perform crucial, albeit risky duties such as drug interdiction and maritime homeland security.

The newest branch of the military, the Space Force, monitors ballistic missile launches, tracks space debris, and maintains satellites, which are remote activities that carry less immediate physical risk compared to some more traditional military roles.

Ultimately, the right branch for you depends on your interests and career goals, rather than just which one might be regarded as the "safest". While it's essential to think about safety, try also to consider where you think you'd be able to make the most significant contribution, which branch aligns with your skills and interests, and which provides opportunities that fit your future plans.

3 months ago

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