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Looking for advice on Grand Junction colleges

Hey everyone, I'm a high school junior considering colleges in Grand Junction, Colorado. Anyone got any particular insights or experiences with the colleges there? I'm especially keen to know about their business courses.

3 months ago

Sure, Grand Junction, Colorado houses a couple of reputable higher education institutions. The most prominent one is Colorado Mesa University (CMU). CMU offers a comprehensive selection of business courses through its Business Department, which is a part of The William J. Conroy School of Business.

At CMU, you can specialize in areas like Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Management, Hospitality Management, or Sports Management. The curriculum is designed to provide you with the skills to succeed in an increasingly global business environment.

Something interesting about CMU's business program is their Entrepreneurship program which aims to spark innovative thinking and foster a start-up culture. This might be a great program if you are interested in creating your own business or start-up in the future.

Another higher education institution in Grand Junction is Western Colorado Community College (WCCC), which is a part of the CMU community. WCCC offers a variety of Associate degree programs, professional certificates, and vocational training programs. Their business offerings are more focused on practical skills that can be applied immediately in the workforce, such as bookkeeping or customer service management.

While these institutions provide a decent range of business-related courses, it's vital to take into account other factors such as campus culture, availability of internships and extracurricular activities, housing options, and financial aid when making a decision. Consider arranging a campus visit or reaching out to the admissions office - they might be able to connect you with current students or professors in the business program.

3 months ago

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