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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Thoughts on University located in Stephenville, TX?

Hello everyone, I'm exploring universities and I came across one in Stephenville, TX. I'd like to know more about this institution, the courses it offers and the overall student experience. Could anyone fill me in on the details?

5 months ago

Sure, the university you're referring to is Tarleton State University, which is part of the Texas A&M University system. Tarleton has a wide variety of academic programs available in both undergraduate and graduate studies. Some of their more popular programs include their programs in business, agricultural and animal sciences, and education.

When it comes to the overall student experience, something that consistently stands out is Tarleton's sense of community. The university promotes a very student-centered and welcoming environment. There are a multitude of student organizations available for students to get involved and make connections, including academic, cultural, and recreational clubs.

Tarleton also hosts a number of events throughout the year, such as Yell Contests and homecoming activities, and has a very involved intramural sports program. Students often commend the university's dedication to tradition and pride.

In terms of campus facilities, Tarleton recently renovated their library and dining facilities. Plus, they're notably investing in campus renovations and expansions, reflecting their focus on creating a pleasing and proactive environment for students.

As with any university, it's essential to determine if it's the best fit for your academic and personal goals. If possible, take a campus tour or speak with current students to get a real sense of life at Tarleton. Consider what academic programs you're most interested in and

The town of Stephenville itself is described by students as quiet and quaint, with a close-knit community atmosphere. It's known as the “Cowboy Capital of the World” and has a healthy dose of western culture. The town is small but there are still restaurants and activities, plus Dallas and Fort Worth aren't too far away if you're wanting a larger city experience now and then.

Remember that different students can have different experiences at the same university. So it's crucial to gather as much information as you can and review your options carefully.

5 months ago

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