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Where can I get a quality education in Delaware?

Hi all! I'm trying to stay relatively local for college and was wondering: what are some of the best colleges in Delaware? I don't have a specific major in mind yet, so any suggestions or experiences would be beneficial. Thanks in advance.

3 months ago

Hello! Delaware may not be the biggest state, but it still offers a number of good options for higher education. Two well-known institutions in the state are the University of Delaware (UD) and Delaware State University (DSU).

The University of Delaware, located in Newark, is the largest university in the state and is recognized for its strong programs in business, chemical engineering, and physical therapy, among others. UD also has a strong commitment to research, which provides opportunities for students across all disciplines to engage in hands-on learning. Many students at UD also speak highly of the tight-knit community and active campus life.

Delaware State University, on the other hand, is a historically black public university located in Dover. It's well-known for its programs in education, business, and nursing. DSU also offers opportunities for undergraduate research and has a small student to faculty ratio, which allows for more personalized attention.

If you're looking towards more specific or technical training, you might look into Delaware Technical Community College which offers a wide range of associate degree programs and professional certifications.

When choosing a college, it's important to consider more than just the academic programs. Look into the campus culture, location, financial aid availability, and extracurricular opportunities. These are all factors that can impact your college experience. Be sure to visit some of the campuses if you haven't already. It's a great way to get a feel for the campus life and to ask current students or faculty any questions you might have.

Hope this helps! Best of luck with your college search.

3 months ago

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