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Considerations for attending Berkeley School of Music?

So, I'm a rising junior and pretty serious about pursuing a career in music. Berkeley School of Music is on my list, but it's a big decision and I'd like to hear from current or past students. Does it provide a well-rounded music education? How's the atmosphere? Any advice or thoughts would be welcomed.

3 months ago

You're spot-on that deciding on a music school is a major choice and it's great that you're doing your research. As a prospective student, there are plenty to consider when contemplating attendance at Berklee College of Music.

Its reputation speaks volumes - Berklee is one of the premier music schools worldwide, and students here tend to have a diverse and extensive range of musical interests. If you're keen on exploring various genres and styles, Berklee could be the place for you. Many students mention enjoying the opportunity to collaborate with others across different musical disciplines, fostering a vibrant, creative atmosphere.

Regarding the curriculum, Berklee prides itself on a comprehensive music education covering performance, music theory, ear training, and the business side of the industry. You also have the opportunity to customize your degree to a great degree, with several majors and minors to choose from.

On the flip side, be aware that Berklee's concentration on contemporary music sets it apart from conservatories that focus more on classical instruction. So depending on your style and career aim, this could be an advantage or a disadvantage.

On the atmosphere, Berklee is often described as innovative and somewhat intense. The stakes are high and the programs rigorous, but that's part of what makes a Berklee education valuable. There's a collective drive to create and succeed, which can be really rewarding if you thrive in pragmatic, high-energy environments.

However, make sure to weigh the school's benefits against its cost. Like many private colleges, Berklee's tuition can be hefty, so consider your financial situation and possible scholarship opportunities. Also, spend some time evaluating the return on investment, looking at the job and salaries data of Berklee graduates in your areas of interest.

As for advice, I'd say attend a virtual session or campus visit if possible, and don't hesitate to reach out to current students or faculty with any questions. They can provide an authentic insight into the Berklee experience that you won't get from just reading up on it. Also, continue conversations like this one! The more information you can gather, the more confident you'll be in your decision-making process.

Remember, the best music school for you also depends greatly on your individual goals, needs, and aspirations. A school like Berklee can provide a brilliant education, but it's crucial to ensure it aligns with your personal music career vision.

3 months ago

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