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Seeking advice on the best creative writing colleges

Hey guys, so I'm a rising junior right now and wanting to pursue a career in creative writing. Do any of you have any insights into what some of the best colleges for creative writing are? I'm really looking for a place where I can dive deeply into this field and maybe even get published while I'm at it.

3 months ago

When considering colleges for creative writing, there are several schools that are well-renowned for their programs and offer students unique opportunities to engage with the art of writing.

1. University of Iowa: Known for its distinguished Writers' Workshop, which is often considered the top writing program in the country. The program is a two-year residency where students focus on their craft alongside other aspiring writers. It's known for having a strong network of alumni, making it a potential launching pad for getting published.

2. Columbia University: Their program emphasizes the mastery of language, character development, and story structure. Moreover, its location in New York City provides students with access to the publishing industry and a vibrant literary scene.

3. Brown University: Offering one of the first creative writing programs in the country, Brown's program is unique because it houses its creative writing program within its English department, thus placing equal emphasis on foundational literary study and creative writing.

4. Kenyon College: Known for its strong emphasis on creative writing and its connection with the Kenyon Review, one of the country's oldest and most respected literary magazines. Students often have the chance to submit work for publication in the Kenyon Review.

5. Oberlin College: This program offers students the chance to take intensive writing workshops, work one-on-one with professors, and even take a "Winter Term" to complete an individual project of their choosing.

6. Emerson College: Located in Boston, Emerson offers a unique Writing, Literature, and Publishing major that emphasizes equally creative writing, literature studies, and "the work of the writer as a critical reader."

When choosing a college for creative writing, it's important to remember that the best school for you depends on your unique needs and goals. You should consider the school's curriculum, faculty, alumni network, location, opportunities for publishing and internships, and student resources. The environment in which you'll learn and live for four years is crucial. You should look beyond rankings and choose a program that aligns with your career and personal goals. Don't hesitate to reach out to current students and faculty to get their insights too!

3 months ago

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