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Best Ranked Colleges in California- What's Your Pick?

California is one of my top choices for college, and I'm extremely curious to know about the colleges there. I'm struggling to decide on which ones to apply to. How would you suggest I go about picking the best-ranked colleges in California? What criteria do you guys use when doing this and why?

3 months ago

When narrowing down your choices among the top-ranked colleges in California, I'd advise considering a few main factors - course prerequisites in your desired major, location, size of the student body, college culture, financial aspects, and outcomes for graduates. Each can have a significant influence on your college experience.

Course Prerequisites and Major: Not all programs are offered at all schools, or the program might not be as strong. Look up the department of your prospective major. If they have highly-regarded faculty, a robust curriculum, and resources such as research opportunities or tutoring centers, that's a good sign.

Location: Is the school located in an urban, suburban, or rural area? What is the weather like? Is it easy for you to travel home? If you like the sun and major cities, you might prefer schools like USC or UCLA. But if you prefer a smaller city or a colder climate, you might be more interested in schools like Stanford or UC Berkeley.

Size: Consider whether you'd flourish at a large university with tons of resources but less individual attention, or a smaller college with a more intimate setting. Some people appreciate the hustle and bustle of a big campus like UC Berkeley, but others prefer the closer-knit community of a smaller place such as Pomona College.

Culture: The ethos of the student body can come into play too. Some schools might be more competitive, while others are more collaborative. You could also consider the importance of athletics or Greek life at the school. Reach out to current students or alumni to get their take.

Financial aspects: College is an investment and you should consider the financial burden. You can look up the average financial aid package for each school, then subtract it from the total cost of attendance to see what a typical student really pays. For instance, Stanford has a very generous financial aid policy that makes it very affordable for many students.

Graduates' outcomes: Take a look at the success rates of the grads—do they get high-paying jobs right after college? How many go on to receive a graduate degree? This could give you an idea of the return on your investment.

You'll notice that many factors can impact your college experience beyond just a school's ranking. Top-ranked schools like Stanford, Caltech, USC, UCLA, and the University of California, Berkeley all offer a high-quality education, but they are also all very different places! To a great degree, the "best ranked" college will vary for everyone based on these factors.

3 months ago

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