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Is Georgetown University the right choice for me?

Hey guys, recently I've been considering Georgetown University for a potential college to apply to. I've heard many good things about it, but I want real student perspectives. Can anyone share their experience or thoughts about studying there? What are some pros and cons?

3 months ago

Absolutely, would be happy to share some insights about Georgetown! One of the biggest pros of Georgetown is its location in Washington D.C., which can provide numerous opportunities for internships, jobs, and simply experiencing the city's vibrant culture. Students often enjoy the academic rigor and interactive classes led by highly accomplished faculty. Its School of Foreign Service is particularly renowned, among other strong programs.

Also, the size of Georgetown is relatively small compared to other universities, making for a more close-knit community. This aspect enables more opportunities for involvement and leadership.

However, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. While Georgetown's emphasis on Jesuit values is seen as a plus by many students, not everyone may feel at home in such an environment, particularly if your belief system diverges. Student life is also thought to be polarized to some extent between those who participate in the campus party culture and those who don't. It's worth weighing these factors as well as talking to current students if possible to see how well you would fit in.

Lastly, Georgetown is fairly famous for their housing lottery system which some students find exciting, while others find it stressful. It's always good to recognize the dynamics of the student body living situation when considering a school. It all really comes down to personal fit, though. Be sure to consider these aspects in relation to your preferences and goals. Hope that helps!

3 months ago

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