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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Need Insight on Mesivta Tiferes Jerusalem

Mesivta Tiferes Jerusalem popped up during my college search, but I'm having trouble finding student perspectives on this. Can anyone share experiences or insights about this school? Especially interested in the environment and student-faculty ratio.

3 months ago

Mesivta Tiferes Jerusalem (MTJ) is a unique educational institution that offers a Yeshiva-style, Jewish-focused education. Known for its small, close-knit community, MTJ encourages intense scholarly study, particularly in Talmudic Law and other aspects of Jewish studies.

Given the school's size and Yeshiva-influenced teaching model, MTJ offers an exceptionally intimate academic environment. This allows for very close student-faculty interactions, making the student-faculty ratio incredibly favorable – teachers are generally readily accessible for personalized instruction and mentorship.

However, that being said, this structure also means the coursework can be very demanding and requires a significant commitment to rigorous academic and religious studies.

In terms of environment, as you might anticipate from a Yeshiva, the student body is deeply invested in their faith and religious study, which shapes the overall environment of the institution. There is a sense of camaraderie and togetherness, owing to the small student population and shared religious and academic focus.

Overall, whether MTJ is the right environment for you greatly depends on your personal interest in pursuing rigorous Jewish Talmudic study, as well as your comfort level with a smaller, more intimate academic environment.

3 months ago

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