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What is Missouri Southern State University like?

Has anyone here attended or know someone who has attended Missouri Southern State University? I'm considering it as an option but I'd love to get some insight about the campus culture, courses, professors etc. before I make a decision.

3 months ago

Missouri Southern State University (MSSU) is generally known for its strong community vibes and supportive faculty, which can create a conducive learning environment for many students. Keep in mind though that like any other institution, experiences can vary greatly depending on your major, lifestyle preferences, and what you're aiming to achieve from your college experience.

For example, if you're into athletics or enjoy watching sports, MSSU's NCAA Division II athletic teams might be a major factor for you as they do well in different sports and can contribute to the overall school spirit.

When it comes to academics, students often mention the welcoming atmosphere and the faculty's dedication to student success. The class sizes are relatively small which means there's ample opportunity for professors to provide personal attention and engage in more collaborative discussions.

The university also runs unique international-themed semesters where they focus on the culture, history, and contributions of different countries or regions each semester. This might be a major draw for you if you're interested in global affairs.

As for the environment on campus, it's a primarily commuter-driven school located in Joplin, a small city. The local area has a suburban feel, with plenty of outdoor activities available, which may be a plus if you enjoy that sort of environment. However, keep in mind that being a commuter campus, it may have less of a "traditional" residential college atmosphere compared to larger, non-commuter institutions.

In terms of resources, MSSU has different services to support students, such as the Student Success Center and the Career Services office. These services can assist with academic tutoring, resume building, job search, internships, and more.

Overall, it's suggested to reach out to the university's admissions office to see if they can give more detailed insights or connect you with current students or alumni so you could ask them about their experiences. You may also want to consider a campus visit if possible, either in person or virtually, to get a feel for the campus atmosphere firsthand.

3 months ago

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