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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Universities in Moscow, Idaho?

I'm from Idaho and sort of want to remain in-state. I'm considering Moscow since I heard it has a great university environment. So does anyone here know any reputable universities in Moscow, Idaho?

3 months ago

Sure, in fact, Moscow, Idaho, is home to the University of Idaho, which is a well-recognized institution. It's known for its rigorous programs and vibrant student life. With around 11,800 students, it offers majors in a range of fields including business, engineering, natural resources, education, art and design, among others.

An interesting aspect of the university is its strong commitment to research. Even undergraduates have the opportunity to engage in research projects across different disciplines. It also has strong Greek life and robust athletics programs, which contribute to its rich student life.

Keep in mind, the town of Moscow itself has much to offer as well. It's got a charm to it with a blend of a college town feel, rural relaxation, and cultural opportunities. From farmer's markets, art galleries, coffee shops, to hiking trails, there's a diverse range of activities.

Lastly, consider visiting the university or taking a virtual tour to get a first-hand look. This is often the best way to evaluate if the place feels right for you.

3 months ago

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