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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can anyone give me their take on NC State?

To anyone who's attended or is attending NC State, I could really use some first-hand opinions! How are the academics and student life? Has anyone felt underprepared, or did NC prepare you well for your professional life?

3 months ago

NC State University is a big school (with over 25,000 undergraduates) yet it maintains a close-knit campus feel, something which many students appreciate. The university has a strong focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects, with particularly reputable programs in fields like agronomy, horticultural science, nuclear engineering, and textiles, to name a few.

Academically speaking, like many public research universities, the challenge and rigor of your coursework can depend greatly on your major. Some students find they have to study a lot and work very hard to do well in their courses, especially in the STEM fields, while others might find some courses less taxing. Larger introductory courses can sometimes feel a bit impersonal, but as you move into upper-division coursework, class sizes tend to be much smaller, allowing for more personalized instruction.

NC State's location in Raleigh (the state capital) also offers lots of opportunities for internships and co-ops, a factor that really enhances the career readiness of many students. Plus, the Research Triangle Park—one of the largest research parks in the world—is right nearby, offering many students unique opportunities to work with influential tech companies and startups.

Outside of the classroom, there's a thriving student life scene, with hundreds of student organizations to choose from, catering to a wide range of interests. Greek life is present but does not dominate the social scene. Opportunities for participating in sports, music, and arts—either informally or competitively—are also plentiful. The recreational facilities are top-notch.

Wolfpack athletics bring a great deal of excitement and enthusiasm to the campus. Football games, in particular, are a major event, providing a traditional college experience for students and fostering a strong sense of community.

In terms of preparation for professional life, I've heard that many students feel well-supported by the university's career services department. They offer a wide range of resources, from resume reviews to career fairs to mock interviews. That being said, like any school, getting a job upon graduation often depends on the individual student's efforts to network, seek internships, and generally display initiative in their career planning.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a school with strong STEM programs, plenty of extracurricular opportunities, a strong sense of community, and good career preparation, NC State might be a great fit for you. It's a well-rounded institution with a lot to offer. But, as is the case with any university, personal fit is key, and it's always a good idea to visit if you can.

3 months ago

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