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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Insight into Colleges in Magnolia, Arkansas

Hey, y'all, I'm a native of Magnolia, Arkansas and I'd love to go to college in or near my hometown. Can anyone recommend any colleges in Magnolia or its surroundings that I should consider?

5 months ago

You've got a great local option right in Magnolia - Southern Arkansas University (SAU). SAU is a public university that offers a range of undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields. This could be a convenience for you considering your desire to stay local. While SAU isn't as nationally recognized as the University of Arkansas, it does have some strong programs, particularly in Agriculture, Engineering, and Business.

Beyond Magnolia, the University of Arkansas at Monticello is about 100 miles to the east and offers a wide range of programs as well. It's part of the broader University of Arkansas system and could be another solid choice.

Overall, your choice should depend on what exactly you're looking to study. All of these schools have their strengths and weaknesses depending on the specific program. You should do some research on the programs that interest you at these schools.

Lastly, remember, the best college is one that suits your personal and academic needs the most. While studying near home might be comforting and convenient, make sure it also aligns with your academic goals and career aspirations. And don't forget to pay attention to factors like financial aid and scholarship opportunities, which can play a huge role in making college affordable.

5 months ago

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