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Thoughts on Pikeville, KY Colleges?

Hi, y'all! I've been looking into some colleges situated in Pikeville, Kentucky. Can anyone discuss their experiences or observations of these schools? It could be anything from academics to campus vibes.

5 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to give you an overview!

There are two main institutions in Pikeville: the University of Pikeville (UPIKE) and Big Sandy Community and Technical College.

UPIKE is a private liberal arts institution offering a range of both undergraduate and graduate programs. They're particularly known for their College of Osteopathic Medicine which is extremely reputable and offers an excellent doctor of osteopathic medicine program. Additionally, UPIKE's undergraduate enrollment is about 1,500 students, which translates to small class sizes and plenty of one-on-one interaction with professors. On the downside, as a small college located in a small town, UPIKE doesn't offer as wide a range of majors or extracurricular activities as you'd find at a larger university. It has a strong sense of community and the small student body can foster close connections between students and professors.

On the other hand, Big Sandy Community and Technical College offers more of a vocational focus, with certificate and associate degree programs aimed at preparing students to enter the workforce directly after graduation. This college is often chosen by students who have a very specific career path in mind that doesn't require a four-year degree, or who plan to transfer to a four-year institution after completing their associate degree.

Now, Pikeville as a town has a strong Appalachian culture and it is known for its close-knit community. Pikeville is relatively small, but it has a lively cultural scene. Pikeville is also surrounded by nature which can be ideal if you enjoy activities such as hiking or fishing.

However, do keep in mind that this information doesn't replace visiting the colleges if you can do so. Observing the college's atmosphere and talking to students firsthand will always be the best way to get a feel of the place.

Hope this helps, and feel free to ask any further questions you might have!

5 months ago

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