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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the acceptance rate for Colorado Mountain College?

I'm starting to compile my college list and came across Colorado Mountain College. Has anyone applied there recently? Can you share the acceptance rate or at least an estimation? Any other info about admissions there would be helpful.

3 months ago

Colorado Mountain College operates on an open admission policy, which means it has an acceptance rate of nearly 90-100%. Open admission colleges typically only require a high school diploma or a GED certificate to be admitted.

However, keep in mind that having an open admissions policy doesn't mean every program within the college is open for all. Some programs, particularly competitive ones, may have separate prerequisites or requirements for admission.

As always, it's a good idea to directly contact the admissions office for the most accurate information about application procedures and any criteria specific to the program you're interested in. Additionally, while the acceptance rate is high, success at CMC will still be determined by your effort and commitment to your studies.

3 months ago

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