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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Want to know more about Columbia University's New York campus

I've been eyeing Columbia University for a while now, particularly because it's in New York City. Can anyone who goes there or knows about the university tell me what the campus culture is like in the heart of NYC? How does the urban setting influence the student experience there?

3 months ago

Columbia University's campus itself is quite unique for a school placed in such a highly urban area. The campus actually has a very traditional design, filled with historic architecture, green quads, and walking paths that give it a somewhat insulated feel, despite being in the heart of Manhattan. Students fondly refer to it as the "bubble." The campus is quite compact and everything is within a short walk which contributes to a sense of community among the students.

However, the city's influence is definitely tangible. NYC serves as an extended campus for Columbia students. You'll find that students often take advantage of the city for internships, cultural experiences, and social life. This combination of traditional campus life and vibrant city living can be quite exciting!

The urban setting provides an abundance of resources that enhance students’ learning experiences. For instance, Columbia's positioning in New York City allows students to gain real-world experiences in industries such as finance, technology, arts, and journalism. This isn't limited to internships or work experiences, as many courses also leverage the city as a learning space, arranging outings to museums, cultural sites, and businesses.

The city also encompasses a diverse array of cultural, recreational, and leisure activities. One moment you might be studying in the university’s iconic Low Library, and the next you can be exploring Broadway shows, attending a concert, or dining at a world-class restaurant.

That being said, the city's influence also means a quicker pace of life and a less traditional 'college-town' feel, which might not be for everyone. But if you're someone who thrives in a buzzing, multi-faceted environment, you might find Columbia's campus culture in the heart of NYC an ideal mix of academic rigor and urban adventure!

3 months ago

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