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Origin of Commitment Day for College

Hey everyone! So I just heard about this thing called 'Commitment Day.' Apparently, it's the day when you have to officially commit to a college but where does this tradition come from and how is it usually commemorated?

3 months ago

Commitment Day, also known as National College Decision Day, is traditionally on May 1st. This date is the deadline for high school seniors in the United States to commit to the college or university that they plan to attend in the fall. The origin of this tradition stems from the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC). In order to standardize the college admissions process and provide students with enough time to weigh their options, NACAC established that colleges participating in its organization must give students until May 1st to make their decisions.

Typically, Commitment Day is a time of celebration for students. It signifies the end of their college admissions journey and the beginning of their adventure in higher education. Many high schools commemorate this day by asking students to wear apparel—from t-shirts to pins—of the college they plan to attend. Schools may even hold rallies or assemblies where students can announce their college choices.

Also, many colleges and universities host celebratory events either on-campus or virtually. These events can range from social gatherings to formal receptions. They are designed not only to celebrate the commitment of incoming students but also to start building a sense of community among them.

This is basically a big step for many students as they transition into the next stage of their educational journey. Hence, it's marked with a fair bit of pomp and ceremony. Remember, though, the most important part about the day isn't the celebration itself, but the commitment you're making. It's important to choose a college that will be the right fit for you—not solely based on prestige, but on where you feel you will thrive and grow.

3 months ago

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