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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Community colleges in Hickory, NC?

I'm in the process of researching colleges, and I've heard community colleges can be a good stepping stone before transferring to a university. I live around Hickory, NC. Any thoughts on the community colleges here?

3 months ago

Sure, I can provide some input. In the Hickory, NC, area, Catawba Valley Community College is one option to consider. It offers over 50 programs, and many students successfully transfer to four-year universities after beginning their studies there.

Catawba Valley Community College is known for its strong technical programs, such as welding, nursing, and automotive systems. But don't worry if you're still exploring your interests—there are plenty of general education options as well.

If you're considering transferring to a four-year institution later, you might want to look into their "College Transfer" programs. These curriculum pathways are designed to fulfill the general education requirements of the first two years of most bachelor’s degrees, allowing for a smooth transition to a university environment later on.

In terms of resources, they also provide assistance with financial aid, career counseling, and academic advising, which can be very beneficial in planning your future educational journey. Remember, if your ultimate goal is to transfer to a four-year institution, it's important to keep an open dialogue with both your community college advisor and admissions representatives from your prospective universities, to ensure a seamless transfer process.

As with any college decision, it's important to tour the campus if you can, meet with professors or department chairs, and talk to current students to get a sense of whether the community college environment would be right for you. It's about finding the location, program, and community that aligns best with your goals and lifestyle.

3 months ago

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