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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Looking for College Programs in Computer Science around NYC

Hey guys, I have a passion for computer science and I'm looking for colleges with strong CS programs in the New York City area. Does anyone have any suggestions or experiences they could share?

3 months ago

There are numerous universities in the New York City area with strong Computer Science programs. Here are a few you might want to consider:

1. Columbia University: Columbia has a robust Computer Science department where you'll have the opportunity to build strong foundational knowledge in the subject, as well as explore advanced topics in artificial intelligence, machine learning, or graphics, for instance. Columbia is an Ivy League School located in the heart of NYC, and the proximity to Silicon Alley (New York's tech industry hub) offers plentiful internship and job opportunities.

2. New York University (NYU): The Computer Science department at NYU's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences is highly regarded. Like Columbia, NYU's location in New York City offers distinct advantages for students interested in internships and career opportunities.

3. City University of New York (CUNY) Hunter College: Hunter College offers both undergraduate and graduate Computer Science programs. The location and CUNY network provide ample opportunities for internships and jobs in the city.

4. Stevens Institute of Technology: Although not located in NYC, it's just across the Hudson River in Hoboken, New Jersey, and it is known for STEM programs, including Computer Science. You'd still be very close to the city for any metropolitan-based opportunities.

As always, also take into account factors such as tuition, size of the program, faculty-student ratio, course offerings, and opportunities for undergraduate research or internships when making your choice. Furthermore, visiting the departments in person and talking to faculty and students could provide valuable insights into the best fit for you.

3 months ago

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