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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Info about NHTI, Concord’s Community College

I'm strongly considering NHTI in Concord, NH, as I'm contemplating staying close to home for my studies. Can anyone share their experiences or impressions about this college, especially in terms of academic rigor, campus life, and opportunities post-graduation?

3 months ago

NHTI, Concord's Community College is a respectable choice for your educational journey, especially if you're planning to stay close to home. It offers a broad course selection spanning numerous fields, allowing you to tailor your studies to align with your career aspirations.

In terms of academic rigor, NHTI provides an enriching academic environment. Despite being a community college, it delivers programs that challenge students and promote critical thinking. This is partly because of the college's commitment to small class sizes, allowing for more individualized attention and instruction from faculty. However, as with any institution, the level of rigor can vary depending on the specific course or instructor.

Regarding campus life, one of the primary advantages of NHTI is its tight-knit community. Student involvement is encouraged through a variety of clubs and organizations that cater to a wide array of interests. The college also hosts different events throughout the academic year, promoting student engagement and enhancing the overall campus experience. However, as NHTI is a community college, the campus life may not be as vibrant as four-year institutions with larger residential populations.

In terms of post-graduation opportunities, NHTI has strong connections with local businesses and industries, which can be helpful for securing internships and jobs. Many students also opt to transfer to a 4-year institution after completing their program here. NHTI has articulation agreements with several other institutions, ensuring that credits earned at NHTI will transfer seamlessly. This can be an excellent opportunity if you want to pursue more advanced studies in the future.

Overall, NHTI provides a quality education that prepares students for their future academic and career endeavors. However, as with any college decision, it's best to consider your individual needs and preferences to ensure it's the right fit for you.

3 months ago

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