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Specifics on Concordia University Wisconsin's degree programs?

I'm interested in Concordia University Wisconsin and particularly curious about their degree programs. Can anyone share about the range and quality of degrees offered? Are there any standout or unique programs?

3 months ago

Sure, I can definitely give you some details on the programs offered at Concordia University Wisconsin. This university offers more than 70 undergraduate programs across a wide variety of disciplines. In addition, they also offer graduate and doctoral degrees should you decide to continue your education.

Concordia University Wisconsin is known for its strong health and science programs. They have a highly respected School of Pharmacy, an excellent nursing program (which offers both a BSN and an accelerated BSN), and robust programs in occupational therapy, physical therapy, and physician's assistant studies.

Furthermore, the university's Batterman School of Business also receives consistent recognition. This school offers many different majors, including management, marketing, accounting, and HR Management.

As for standout offerings, their innovative Justice and Public Policy program, which blends criminal justice, forensic science, psychology, and social work into an interdisciplinary approach, is quite unique.

The university also offers some engaging programs in the arts, including Art Education and Parish Music.

Last but not least, their unique degree completion programs may be of interest to you if your plan is to work while going to school or if you're a non-traditional student. These degree completion programs are designed to allow students to fit their studies around their schedules, with flexible learning options.

Overall, the quality of degree programs at Concordia University Wisconsin is very high. The programs are taught by faculty who are experts in their field, and the university tends to have small class sizes which allow for a more personalized learning experience.

Remember to always look into the specifics of each program you're interested in, considering factors such as the course curriculum, faculty, internship opportunities, alumni success, and job placement rates. This can give you a more comprehensive view of what you'd be getting out of each potential major.

3 months ago

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