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Insight about the financial aid at John Carroll University, please?

Sup, I've been admitted to John Carroll University and currently facing the challenge of managing my finances. Can anybody share their experiences with the university's financial aid or scholarships? It's kinda driving me nuts. Thanks!

3 months ago

Hello! First off, congratulations on your admission!

When it comes to financial aid at John Carroll University, the university does a fair job of providing support to its students. According to their official statistics, over 78% of their students receive financial aid in one form or another. The average financial aid package (includes federal, state, and institutional aid) an undergraduate student receives at John Carroll is reported to be around $32,000 annually!

The university also offers merit-based scholarships to its students. These scholarships range from $5,000 to $25,000 and are renewable for four years, provided you maintain a certain GPA. However, these scholarships are only available if you're a first-year student.

If you’re relying on scholarships or if the financial assistance you receive is not sufficient, adding a work-study can be another way to manage the costs of school. John Carroll University has over 700 on-campus jobs. Employment provides valuable experience and an opportunity to earn a portion of your educational expenses.

If you've received an inadequate financial aid award, definitely reach out to the financial aid office directly. Try to discuss your situation with them and inquire about additional opportunities for funding. This might include work-study options, smaller awards that the university has control over, or even fee waivers or discounts on university services.

Lastly, I suggest looking up and applying to external scholarships to help your situation. There can be numerous small local scholarships that add up and can help ease the burden. Remember to also check the FAFSA deadline and be sure to file it on time.

Remember, every little bit helps. All the best!

3 months ago

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