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Should I pick Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin

I'm thinking about applying to Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin. It seems like a good school, but I wanted to hear from anyone who has attended or knows someone who has. How are the academics? The student life? Any particular pros or cons I should be aware of?

3 months ago

Lawrence University is known for creating a close-knit academic and residential environment. This liberal arts college is noted for its personalized education, with an overall student to faculty ratio of 8:1, which means that you'd have plenty of opportunities for face-to-face interaction with faculty members.

In terms of academics, Lawrence is particularly praised for programs in the humanities, social sciences, and music—the latter is bolstered by the presence of the renown, fully accredited conservatory of music on campus. The liberal arts focus means that you'll be encouraged to take a range of classes across different disciplines, which can help to broaden your perspective and enhance your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

As for student life, the college's residential layout creates a robust sense of community. The majority of students live on campus all four years, so it's easy to build strong and lasting relationships, not just with roommates and floormates, but also with other residents. The smaller student population relieves the burden of an "overwhelming" community, often found in large public universities, and this results in everyone feeling more interconnected. Plus, the university offers hundreds of clubs and organizations, so you'll definitely find areas to explore your interests or discover new ones.

The university is situated in the heart of the Fox Cities area in Appleton, which provides a nice blend of suburban amenities, such as shops, restaurants, and parks, with access to cultural experiences like museums and music festivals. That being said, if you prefer a location with a bustling city vibe or in a rural setting, this might not be the right fit for you.

Lastly, while Lawrence provides financial aid packages to almost 99% of its students, you might want to consider cost. Do check the university's net price calculator (https://www.collegenpc.com/LawrenceUniversity) to make sure a Lawrence education would not impart a substantial financial burden on you or your family.

Of course, personalized campus visits or virtual tours can also be a deciding factor, and I strongly recommend them if you can. They allow you to get an on-the-ground feel for the campus, current students, faculty, and the overall atmosphere. In the end, taking into consideration fit—both academically and culturally—is crucial to ensuring that you'll thrive and succeed during your college years.

3 months ago

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