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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Danville VA University: yes or no?

I'm considering heading to Danville VA for university. Can anyone weigh in on their experiences there and throw me some pros and cons? Any advice would be super appreciated.

3 months ago

Reply: It's great that you're considering various options for university, including Danville VA. However, it's important that you specify which university or college you're referring to. Danville is a city located in Virginia, with several institutions like Danville Community College and Averett University in its vicinity, to name a few.

Without knowing the specific institution, it's difficult to provide specific pros and cons. Being clearer will enable individuals with knowledge or experience to provide accurate insights. Are you curious about the academic environment, social culture, facilities, specific programs, or something else in particular? Providing some more context can allow for a more effective response.

Regardless of the specifics, keep in mind the fundamentals of considering a college or university: academic fit (do the programs align with your career and educational goals?), social fit (will you feel at home and welcome?), and financial fit (can you and your family manage the cost, even after considering financial aid and scholarships?). Always closely research and, if possible, visit the institutions you're considering.

Please provide some more information so we can give you tailored advice for your situation!

3 months ago

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