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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does Being Waitlisted Mean Rejection?

I've just been waitlisted at one of my top choice schools, and I'm feeling a bit down and confused. Does being waitlisted basically mean a polite rejection or do I still stand a chance of getting accepted? Has anyone been accepted from a waitlist before? Thanks for the help.

3 months ago

Firstly, congratulations on all the hard work you've done to even be considered by one of your top choice schools. It's important to not view being waitlisted as a polite rejection - it does not mean that you are not good enough for the university. Instead, it reflects the highly competitive nature of college admissions and the courtesy of the university to keep your application as a possibility.

Being waitlisted means that the admission committee sees potential in your application but is unable to offer you a spot at that precise moment due to limited space. Should some students opt not to enroll, spots may open up, and applicants on the waitlist might then be offered admission.

The odds vary from university to university and from year to year. For instance, at some colleges in certain years, hundreds of waitlisted students may be admitted, while in other years, the number could be very small or even zero.

While you are on the waitlist, go ahead and reserve your spot at another institution where you have been accepted to ensure that no matter the outcome, you will have a place to go to college in the fall. You should only remain on the waitlist if you're serious about attending that college, otherwise consider turning down the waitlist spot to give others a chance.

Sometimes, colleges welcome additional information from waitlisted candidates—such as a letter outlining your continued interest in the institution, updates about relevant accomplishments since sending in your original application, or a recommendation letter from a recent source. Please check with the particular college on their policy.

Finally, take heart in knowing that the college sees potential in you as a candidate. They're interested in you, albeit conditionally. Good luck with everything, and I hope this information makes your situation a bit clearer.

3 months ago

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