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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Seeking Famous Art Colleges in New York

Being an artsy person, I've always been drawn to New York for its vibrant art scene. What well-known colleges for visual arts are there in New York?

3 months ago

Sure thing! New York is indeed a wellspring of art and culture, perfect for an aspiring artist. Here are few colleges renowned for their programs in visual arts:

1. Parsons School of Design: It is part of The New School and has a strong reputation globally. The BFA in Fine Arts program at Parsons allows students to investigate various art disciplines before choosing a concentration.

2. Pratt Institute: Pratt's BFA programs in Painting/Drawing, Sculpture, and Printmaking are particularly strong and provide a comprehensive education in visual arts.

3. Cooper Union: Known particularly for its rigorous BFA program, Cooper Union prepares students for a professional career in the visual arts.

4. School of Visual Arts (SVA): SVA provides a variety of programs under visual arts like Illustration, Animation, Cartooning etc. which are quite popular.

5. Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT): Not just limited to fashion, FIT has quality programs in a range of visual arts disciplines, including a BFA in Illustration and a BFA in Fine Arts.

Remember, while the reputation of the institution is important, you should focus on what specific skills you wish to learn, the type of artistic community you want to be a part of, and the opportunities provided by the program to showcase your work. Good luck on your college search!

3 months ago

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