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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Thoughts on Faulkner University in Alabama?

Hey there all! I've been looking further into Faulkner University in Alabama and I wanted to get some more info. Does anyone have any personal experiences and can speak specifically to their academic reputation and campus life?

3 months ago

Hello! Faulkner University is a private, Christian liberal arts university that is known for strong programs in fields such as Business, Legal Professions, and Theology. The university has small class sizes with a student-faculty ratio of around 12:1 which allows for more personalized attention and interaction between the faculty and students. I think this can be a significant advantage when it comes to mentoring and individual learning.

The University's academic structure is divided into six colleges: College of Arts and Sciences, College of Biblical Studies, College of Health Sciences, College of Education, Faulkner Law, and the Alabama Christian College of Arts and Sciences.

As with all schools, the level of academic rigor you'll experience varies widely from program to program. It's critical to find a program that fits your career goals and offers robust opportunities for internships, research, or other hands-on experiences.

As for campus life, Faulkner University maintains a distinct Christian-oriented environment. The university places a heavy emphasis on faith, moral character, and service to others. There are numerous student clubs and organizations based on various interests and hobbies. Additionally, the university hosts regular religious services and community service projects.

Sports play a notable role in the campus community as well. The Faulkner Eagles compete in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), complete with a roster that includes baseball, basketball, football, soccer, softball, and track and field.

That said, like any university, the best way to know if Faulkner is right for you would be to visit or at least engage with admissions representatives and current students. It's important to find a school that's a good fit for not just your academic needs but also your personal values and lifestyle.

3 months ago

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