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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Experiences with EMU Campus Life?

Anyone here go to Eastern Michigan University (EMU)? I'm really curious about what life on campus is like. Clubs, sports, dorms, social scene. Would appreciate any first-hand experiences or feedback.

3 months ago

Eastern Michigan University (EMU) has a vibrant campus life that caters to a wide variety of student interests.

In terms of clubs and organizations, EMU hosts over 200, ranging from cultural societies, academic clubs, service organizations, and hobby groups. It's easy to find something that aligns with your interests and it's also a great way to make new friends and connections. Examples are the EMU PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America) for those interested in communications and public relations, and the EMU Forensics Team, which is highly recognized in the nation for speech & drama.

For sports, EMU is part of NCAA Division I and competes in the Mid-American Conference. Football games can be a focal point for the social scene in the fall. Intramural and club sports are also quite active if you're interested in participating without the varsity commitment.

Regarding dorms, EMU offers a range of housing options from traditional dorms to apartment-style living. Amenities include game rooms, study lounges, etc. It's worth noting that as a freshman, you might be paired up randomly with a roommate unless you express a preference. Most dorms arrange social activities and community-building events too, which can help you get acquainted with fellow residents.

As for the social scene, it's as energetic as you make it. There are always events happening on campus, whether it's a live performance at the Convocation Center, fraternity and sorority events, or various fairs and cultural celebrations. Also, remember that EMU is in Ypsilanti, which means you're a short trip away from the city of Ann Arbor, which opens even more possibilities for activities and experiences.

Remember, college is all about making it your own experience. Take the initiative to join clubs, attend events, or even just strike up a conversation with someone new in your dorm. Good luck!

3 months ago

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