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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What can I major in at Franklin Pierce University?

I'm thinking about applying to Franklin Pierce University. I'm leaning toward a major in social sciences or maybe the arts. Any idea what majors are available at Franklin Pierce that align with these interests of mine?

3 months ago

Franklin Pierce University indeed has a diverse array of academic programs that fall within the social sciences and arts.

In the realm of social sciences, the following majors are available:

1. Anthropology

2. Criminal Justice

3. Psychology

4. Environmental Studies

5. Health Sciences

6. Sports and Recreation Management

7. Political Science

If you're leaning more towards the arts, you will find the following programs:

1. Fine Arts

2. Graphic Design

3. Art Management

Remember, universities often update their list of available majors and minors, so make sure to check the Franklin Pierce University's official website or contact their admissions office to verify this list and get additional information on each major.

Most importantly, consider how these majors align with your long-term career goals or academic interests. Talking to current students or alumni can also help you gain a better understanding of what it's like to study these subjects at Franklin Pierce University.

3 months ago

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