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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Ohio State University's Lima Campus

Hey, has anybody here attended or know anything about the Lima campus of Ohio State University? What's the vibe over there and how does it compare to the main campus?

3 months ago

Sure, I can provide some insights! Ohio State University's Lima campus, while smaller than the main campus in Columbus, offers its own unique benefits. Its small size can lead to lower student-to-faculty ratios, which can result in more individualized attention from professors and a potentially closer-knit community. You'll also have smaller class sizes compared to the main campus, which some students find conducive to their learning style.

In terms of the vibe, being at Lima doesn't mean missing out on the Ohio State spirit. There are numerous student organizations, Greek life options, and even a robust athletics program at the Lima campus. While not as extensive as Columbus, it still offers opportunities for involvement and connectivity to the larger Buckeye community.

That said, the main campus at Columbus is in a much larger city and offers the quintessential "big university" experience. It houses a broader range of programs and majors, more competitive sports, and a wider array of cultural and entertainment opportunities.

In the end, it depends on your preferences and what you're seeking from your college experience. Some students prefer the more intimate environment and personalized attention at Lima, while others look for the hustle and bustle of the larger main campus in Columbus.

3 months ago

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