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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What HBCUs are there in New Orleans?

I'm a junior and I've been thinking post-high school, might want to stay close to home and go to an HBCU. Does anyone know which HBCUs are located in New Orleans?

3 months ago

There are two Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in New Orleans, Louisiana. These are:

1. Dillard University: Dillard is a small, private university that offers 22 different majors across three colleges, in the arts and sciences, nursing, and business. Known for a strong emphasis on liberal arts education, Dillard University also offers excellent programs in Nursing and Public Health.

2. Xavier University of Louisiana: Xavier, although a smaller institution, is renowned as the top HBCU for producing African American students who go on to complete medical school. They have strong programs in the sciences, particularly in fields like Biology, Chemistry, and Psychology.

Both of these institutions offer a range of undergraduate programs and have rich cultural histories, rooted in the traditions and mission of HBCUs. You may want to take virtual or in-person tours, if possible, to get a sense of which one might be a better fit for your interests and goals.

3 months ago

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